NGS Group is a formation of several joint venture Associations in China, Dubai, Indonesia, India, Japan, London and Malaysia. | AVIATION | ENERGY | CHEMICALS | MANUFACTURING | DRILLING AND CEMENTING EQUIPMENT | PROFESSIONAL SPECIALIST | IT SOLUTIONS | ENGINEERING


NGS is about its employees and has been built collectively, aided by a flat structure. People are at the heart of our organization & our greatest asset.

Our People & Our Clients are our Strength

  • Professional ownership and leadership
  • Professional DNA, high skill level
  • Young team with median age of 36 years providing medium term resource visibility
  • Ability to attract further best of industry human resource


“HANDS ON” approach to spot opportunities and handle challenges.


  • Process driven corporate evolved across years of experience.
  • Process Rage:
    • Administrative Processes
    • Functional Processes
    • Risk Management Processes

Unique balanced pie approach with distribution of flows across geographies & products across midstream, downstream & upstream value chain


  • Wide Geographical footprint – allowing access to niche flows and their integration.
  • Ears on the ground to provide advance inputs to market change.
  • Ability to grow geographical foot print and business portfolio.
  • Large scope to scale further geographies with defined processes which are now established.

Leadership position across key business flows, strengthened by impeccable reputation.


  • Niche products
  • High winnability
  • Ability to allow asset medium approach.
  • Continued scope to add to portfolio
  • Leverage strength continuously

Robust platform to support scalable growth models across adjacent geographies & commodities.


  • Product Scalability
  • Asset scalability
    • Production
    • Processing
    • Logistics
  • Platform to support inorganic growth acquisition.
  • Platform flexible to support innovation and market dynamics.

Proven track record of sustained growth, profitability and risk management


  • Corporate Management
  • Ownership segregated from executive management.
  • Defined risk management models
  • Structure allowing easy integration to outside participation.
  • Focus on technology to manage risk online

We “deliver value with trust” making us the partner of choice for all our stakeholders


  • Recognized across industry as a partner of choice
  • Accepted within the peer group of global trading houses.
  • Wide support from financial institutions.
  • Respected within Insurance & Legal community.

Growing responsibly – sustainability

We operate responsibly with high standards of integrity to build greater efficiency, improved security of supply and create long term value for our shareholders. Making the right decisions for our business - by examining and addressing sustainability challenges - means we take into account the direct and indirect impacts to the communities and environment in which we operate.

We support initiatives which deliver economic growth, contribute positively to social wellbeing and manage the environment sustainably.
